I gave the outfit a more casual feel to it and took off all the make-up with just a little bit of mascara on the tips of the eyes. I made her hair a little less 'fake' if you get me and added a simple rose to finish off with!
I made jessiehope's medoll look more natural by using green eyeshadow and some accessories that 'take you back to nature' so to speak. Her outfit is kept with her dark theme but the sandals and 'earth hour' bag really pull the outfit together.
I gave mis.cellaneous a more neutral coloured outfit and less accessories. I kept the eyeliner because it gives her eves a bit more definition and is a plum colour. I couldn't get the bright red off her hair but it quite suits the look.
Her outfit was ok before but I decided to make it a little less crowded and added a cute belt for a touch of glam.
The make-up was just terrible before [no offense] so I took it all off and added a hint of blusher and a little purple round the eyes to make them stand out a bit more.